
International Development Careers


Are you working for an international development agency? Combining over 25 years of experience in international development policy, diplomacy, programme and research, with a specialist accreditation as a career coach, my skills may be the solution you need to move to the next level.


As a client in Kenya commented recently:  “to find someone who knows the sector so well, we even know people in common, and then to find you as a career coach was amazing, I couldn't believe my luck”. 

 Who I Work With

I help people develop their careers within a development organisation or move to new organisations. Examples include:

Positioning for Promotion

Helping technical advisers and generalists hone their skills and make the next level.

Transition to Management

Supporting technical advisers to transition into management positions and perform at their best. 

Reframe Skills

Helping reframe skills and experience to work in a different organisation eg from donor to NGO or vice versa.

Executive Coaching

Supporting you to navigate the challenges of your role and perform at the highest level

Horizons Careers has worked with clients in, or helped secure work with, key development agencies including:


What Support Do I Provide?

Each person’s support needs are different and we figure those out through a free Career Consult.

Common areas where I am asked to support development professionals include:

  • Career direction, helping you prepare for your next position or think through your longer term career  goal. 
  • Executive coaching, helping you perform at your best through regular reviews including analysis and action planning around 360 feedback
  • Recruitment support including job selection and application development
  • Mock interviews, providing recruitment centre practice in a safe environment. 
  • Refreshing your dossier including CVs and LinkedIn profiles. 

Career Consult: 40 Mins and yes, it's Free 

Before I work with any client, I offer a free Career Consult. This is your time to talk about what is on your mind career wise, what you have tried already and seek clarity on whether I can help you reach your goal. 

Schedule time with me if you want to find out more about my coaching practice. Click below to book a free Career Consult (please note I cannot coach FCDO employees).


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Ongoing or Ad-hoc Career Coaching

If we are working together already, click here to book your personalised 1-on-1 coaching session.  You will go straight through to my calendar to find a time that works for us both. 

Sessions last 90 mins and you can book and pay securely online with Stripe.

(If we haven't started working together, click on the left for a free Career Consult. Please note I cannot coach FCDO employees.)


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Meet Jo Abbot

Educated to PhD level, I have worked in conservation and international development for over 30 years in academic institutions (University College London), international NGOs and think tanks (International Institute for Environment and Development IIED, CARE International and Christian Aid) and for a large bilateral donor, the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (formerly DFID, the Department for International Development). 

At the FCDO, I served in an advisory capacity (social development, results and evaluation), as results team leader (DRC), Head of Programme and Deputy Head of Office (Civil Society Department in the UK, Kenya and Zimbabwe) and as Development Director & Deputy Ambassador in Zimbabwe.

With this depth of career experience, I am able to help a wide range of development professionals develop, rethink or strategise their careers. 

What People Say

Jo is accredited with career coaching bodies in the UK, US and South Africa.

Jo is a professional, accredited Career Coach. She adheres to the International Association of Career Coaches (IACC) Code of Ethics, which includes standards on the highest levels of professionalism and absolute client confidentiality.  So you can have confidence that Horizons Careers is guided by this Code, that Jo undertakes continual professional development and has a wide professional support network.