
Tenacity and resilience in building the career you want

career advice workplace tips Mar 27, 2023
Tenacity and resilience in building the career you want
My blog this month is on tenacity and resilience in building the career you want and believe in. It is inspired by Joe Wicks, the guy that got the UK moving in Lockdown, who holds a Guiness World Record for 'most viewers for a fitness workout livestream on YouTube' (950,000!) and now has over 4 million followers on Instagram. Hard to believe he started out in a London park with sometimes not a single person attending his training sessions. 

I had never heard of Joe Wicks back in 2020 when COVID-19 struck.  Like many people, I came to know of him in Lockdown through his PE workout on the BBC. We all feel we know Joe, which I am sure is part of his success in getting us all exercising, making us believe he is finding the training as tough as we are, and inspiring us along the way.  I started doing the Joe Wicks TV workouts with the family, and then found his content on YouTube. This was a key motivator in getting exercise to become a bigger part of my life and wellbeing in 2020. I came out of Lockdown doing more exercise than going in, and have been able to increase and sustain that, so many thanks ๐Ÿ™ to Joe Wicks.

I loved Joe’s Twitter thread in March 2023 reminding us of his humble beginnings with a photo of his bike cart, used to ferry his equipment to outdoor classes. More importantly, his thread ๐Ÿงต reminds us that tenacity and resilience are key ingredients to success.  Tenacity - keeping going, even when people didn’t turn up to his classes, and resilience, the ability to bounce back - in Joe’s case, continuing to hand out flyers to commuters even if no-one showed up to his classes. I think we all know these ‘lessons’ at one level, but, what I find in my coaching practice, is that these success lessons escape us at our lowest points, when we need them most. To keep going, hang in there and stay the course, even when things don’t go to plan eg we aren’t shortlisted, didn’t get a promotion, get tough 360 feedback, or get the n-th rejection after an interview. That's where a coach can be helpful, to re-frame, support and encourage, to remind us to stay the course, to find learning from set backs and to not equate disappointment with low self-worth.

Joe’s bike journey reminds us both literally and figuratively that when we know where we are going, and really believe in it, the setbacks and false starts are all part of the journey. And that tenacity and resilience must be our best friends on the road to success.
 #coaching #success #motivation #training #career

see โ€‹https://twitter.com/thebodycoach/status/1637046378978324480?s=20 for the Joe Wicks bicycle cart!

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