
Closing gender pay gaps "one carefully worded negotiation at a time"

gender diversity pay gaps Nov 05, 2021
Close gender pay gaps

What do Japan, Zimbabwe, Spain and US have in common?  We didn’t think very much, and expected to showcase contrasting perspectives on negotiation at our recent International Association of Career Coaches (IACC) monthly webinar on offer negotiations internationally. But we found we have more in common and that, wherever you are, and whatever you’re looking for in your career, there are certain frustrating constants for women in both developing and highly developed economies - women will resist applying for jobs, or negotiating assertively if they even feel they have one single “missing” competency or skill.  Men investigating the same jobs will often apply with half of the indicated skills and negotiate hard.

As our IACC article says: "women are, consciously or subconsciously, buying into the mythology of inadequacy and the fear of not being taken seriously in the workplace".  So what does a career coach do? Our webinar shows we improve the outlook and outcomes for women who "learn how to calmly and confidently advocate for their rights, and the right coach can be an incredible asset in that fight. We have a long way to go to close the equity gaps between men and women almost everywhere in the world, and that will be driven by job-seekers, one carefully worded negotiation at a time". You can read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/d_FYJpdW

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